A. Membership
Any school that resides in a Central American Country and promotes a US curriculum is eligible for membership. Details of application for membership are covered in the by-laws.
B. Officers of AASCA
The by-laws have designated the following concerning the governing of AASCA. All Officers of AASCA must be from member schools in good standing with the Association. Officers are the Secretary Parliamentarian, Vice-President/Treasurer and the President. Elections are held during the Director’s May meeting. The Secretary-Parliamentarian is elected each year and is in charge of all minutes of each meeting as well as distribution of same to all AASCA Directors. Furthermore, Robert’s Rules of order are to be followed unless otherwise agreed upon by a majority at any meeting and the Secretary must act as Parliamentarian to keep proper order during all meetings.
The Vice-President-Treasurer is elected to a two year term at the Director’s spring meeting. His/Her duties as chief financial officer are to take care of the Association bank account, distribute payments as necessary, notify school members of payments due, collect and deposit payments/donations to the Association, reconcile the accounting and report to the membership the financial status of the Association at the Directors’ fall meeting and the Directors’ spring meeting.
The Treasurers’ report should not only include what financial transactions have happened since the last report but also a projection of future expenses/income and how the anticipated future expenses/income will affect the financial status of the Association. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will assume the duties and powers of the President.
The President ascends to that position from the Vice-Presidency assuming that both the President and outgoing Vice-President have served their complete terms. The President has a two year term and the duties are typical of the powers of presidents of other organizations and are clearly delineated in the by-laws.
C. Director’s Meeting
There will be one annual Directors’ meetings and others as needed or desired.
The May meeting will be held at a site, determined annually, which is near the host school. The main purposes of the May meeting are to review the recommendations from the Principals’ meeting, set a schedule of events for the following year, determine the dues for the following year and elect officers. The Principal from the hosting school should present the principals’ recommendations.
Other meetings can be called at any time with ten days notice as specified in the By-Laws.
D. Principals’ Meetings
The principals will meet annually in the early spring. The purpose of the Principals’ meeting is to propose a schedule of events for the next school year, as well as make other recommendations to the Directors.
Recommendations are presented in writing at the May meeting by the host school’s Principal. If possible, it will be presented orally by the Principal of the host school. The meeting shall last two days. It is the responsibility of the President of the Principal’s Association to present an agenda and budget for the event and any request for additional AASCA financial support for the event. Expenses will be covered as needed. ASSCA will provide one evening dinner for those in attendance.
E. Due
The officers will propose and the treasurer will present a proposed budget and dues structure at the May meeting. Currently the dues are $ 3,500.00 annually and are to be paid on or before the 1st of January of each year. If any member school is late with their payment, a $500 surcharge will be assessed and voting rights suspended until the account is cleared.